What is weightlifting?

“Weightlifting, Olympic weightlifting”

Weightlifting is a form of sport in which the athlete tries to use two hands to lift the heaviest plate weight bar up straight arms. In the sport, lifts are done with two different techniques – snatch and clean and jerk. The winner is the one with the highest total score. Weightlifting has been practiced since the 19th century and it is an Olympic sport.


There are two main movements in weightlifting – snatch and clean and jerk. In the exercises, of course, we train versatilely, supporting these two main movements. What is important in this sport is technique, whole body strength and balance. 

Routa Weightlifting

CrossFit Routa tarjoaa laadukasta painonnosto valmennusta. Painonnosto valmennus tapahtuu CrossFit Roudassa 200m2 omatoimisalin puolella, missä neljä isoa (3x3m) painonnostolavaa, reippaasti kyykkypaikkoja, tankoja ja painoja.

Classes take max. 8 athletes at once, which means that each athlete who participated in the class will certainly receive personal coaching.

The coaches are:

Miika Antti-Roiko, Jimmy Taivaloja ja Sadia Noor-E.

All our coaches have completed the Weightlifting instructor training approved by the Weightlifting Association.

For who weightlifting is suitable?

Weightlifting is suitable for people of all ages and weights. Weightlifting increases strength, balance, speed, explosiveness and mobility. 

Crossfit Routa classes have two categories: Advanced and Beginners Advanced classes can be attended by those with two years of weightlifting experience. In the advanced classes, we delve into the techniques and auxiliary movements of grabbing and pushing. Anyone who has taken an introductory weightlifting course or a CrossFit On Ramp course can come to the beginners' classes. In the beginners' classes, the technique of grabbing and pushing is taught.

Getting started with weightlifting

Basic courses

In order to start regular weightlifting training, you must first participate in a beginner weightlifting course or a CrossFit On-Ramp basic course, or demonstrate your weightlifting skills in a separately arranged inspection class. After the beginner's course, you can continue training by purchasing the membership you want.

The course teaches the right techniques for grabbing and pushing. The course goes through the auxiliary movements of these in depth, which help to better understand the mechanics of grabbing and pushing. Grabbing, parallel pulling and pushing are versatile and whole body movements. They comprehensively develop strength, explosiveness and balance. All of these are taught safely by Miika Antti-Roikoand Sadian johdolla.

Jokaisen kurssille osallistuvan tulee täyttää seuraava perustietolomake. Tutustu tilaus- ja sopimusehtoihin ja hyväksy se ennen kuin hyväksyt oston. Saat laskun ja vahvistuksen kurssista antamaasi sähköpostiosoitteeseen. Nähdään salilla!


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